Hoover has an established workers’ compensation provider network, which is critical to the success of workplace injury and illness management. We treat our panels as living documents, reviewing them constantly to ensure that our providers continue to meet our service guidelines, and that adequate geographic coverage is maintained.
A provider’s PPO membership alone does not necessarily mean inclusion on our panels. Our PPO provider lists are vetted by our field and telephonic nurse case managers to ensure those selected for our panels understand workers’ compensation and key concepts like light or modified duty, maximum medical improvement, and the need for providing our nurses with return-to-work dates at every meeting.
Our nurses and other rehabilitation professionals work with adjusters, agents, and self-insured employers throughout the Mid-Atlantic to establish and maintain appropriate panels of physicians, specialists, and other medical service providers. In addition, our association with KeyScripts, our pharmacy benefits manager and ancillary services provider, means our panels afford access to unequalled savings on prescription drugs, physical medicine, diagnostic testing, language translation, transportation, home health, and drug testing services.